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UL 508A

What does UL508A stand for ?

UL 508A

UL stands for Underwriters Laboratories,which is sought by electrical inspectors. The UL 508A Listing Mark on an industrial control panel provides evidence of third party certification to the municipal inspection authority and to the purchaser of the panel.

Why choose UL for your industrial control panel needs?

Eliminate red-tagged panels at the job site, along with the resulting delays and extra cost.

UL’s ICP builders program covers proper component usage, enclosure environmental ratings, wiring and motor protection, safety markings, and conformance.

Benefit from the widespread acceptance of the UL Mark by regulatory authorities in every jurisdiction in the United States.

All door wiring is spirally wrapped and cable-tie mounted for protection and strain relief. UL508A certification labels are affixed (when applicable)and all door wiring is subject point to point final inspection

UL certified general use, industrial machinery, elevator control, service equipment, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, fountain control, irrigation equipment, crane and flame control, and marine

UL custom panel builder workshop and hear from the technical experts who can help you “build safety in” while meeting the requirements set for you by regulators and your customers.